Monday, October 13, 2014

Altered Art Playing Card Challenge - Week 6

This week Claudine did some really cute Halloween cards - here. But... I'm still sticking with my travel theme and I'm really bad at doing holidays. So... here are my cards for week 6.

This first one has the mesh background, I used alcohol inks for the main colors, then touches of acrylic, a sharpie, and a silver gel pen.

I LOVE this second one. I am generally a perfectionist when it comes to art and I had to let go of a lot over the last couple years to move on artistically. Once I accepted that I am just not the type to paint something that looks exactly real, it made things a lot easier and I'm enjoying the results. The background is acrylic paint and I just kind of smudged the darker green trees with a brush, the car was a stamp from Michaels with touch-up from a white gel pen and a black micron pen. The driver is a random sticker that I had in my collection.


  1. Two more winners, Angie! Love your colors on the top one!! I have come to embrace the once-dreaded color orange! Did you draw you car in the second? Amazing!

    1. Orange is hard for me too. It's not my favorite but it worked well here. The car is from a stamp set I bought at Michaels - the ink I used turned out to be the wrong color so I went over it with marker and then re-added the details for the doors.
