Saturday, August 24, 2013


One of my other hobbies is photography, but I haven't been doing much of it the last few years. A couple weeks ago I visited the new butterfly pavilion in Scottsdale - Butterfly Wonderland - and it was awesome! I'm still sorting through my pictures - I took over 500 shots and most of them are out of focus or only have part of a butterfly or were taken a second after the dang thing flew away. As my Dad would say, good thing film is cheap!

Anyway, here are a few that I've sorted and processed. I don't do a lot of post-processing so what I saw is what you get!

Butterfly 2 by Angie Wallace

Butterfly 8 by Angie Wallace

Butterfly 13 by Angie Wallace

Butterfly 26 by Angie Wallace
Butterfly 45 by Angie Wallace

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Catching up...

Actually I wonder if I'll ever catch up... I have been working on stuff and even finishing stuff, just not very quickly... and then I never seem to take the time to sit down and scan stuff in... So here's a glob of things I've finished over the last month. I have two larger projects started, but I'm not ready to post them yet.

This first one was is just random barber polls. Messing around with color.
Barber by Angie Wallace

This one was going to be a diva challenge submission... Used random pens that I had in my art drawer. Turned out ok I think.
Primary by Angie Wallace
This one I did during a conference call at work. Just used a ballpoint pen, so it's officially just a doodle.
Squiggles by Angie Wallace

This one I really like. I haven't done a lot where I didn't try to fill the whole page so my aim was to just stick to one side of my string.
Borderline by Angie Wallace

That's all for now... and hopefully someday I'll get my act together and start posting stuff when it's actually done.