Tuesday, May 28, 2013

And in my typical fashion...

...four months later... my next post. After I posted my last post, life happened again and I didn't really feel like writing. But I did feel like drawing...

Last year, my Mom came to visit and she showed me a book called Zentangle Basics by Suzanne McNeill. I was pretty much instantly addicted. I don't do it every day... Like all my other hobbies I go through phases where I'll do a bunch in a week and then nothing for a while. I got to the point a few months ago where I wanted to start sharing my work, but didn't feel like a blog was where I wanted to do it so I opened an account at deviantART. It's fine and I've been pinning my work to Pinterest from there, but every now and then I feel like writing so... I'm going to start posting my stuff here too.

Here are two of my most recent doodles. The first is on a 3" tile. I used Pigma Micron 02 black with some graphite for shading.

Mini Pod - by Angie Wallace 5/13

The second is on the back of my daily dot-to-dot calendar (seriously the best daily calendars I've ever had - calendar, dot-to-dot fun, scratch paper, quilt designs, tangle tiles... what's not to love?). This one I used a uni-ball Signo pen... because that's what I had handy and sometimes it just looks cool.

Red Pods - by Angie Wallace 5/13
So there you have it. I will probably post some of my older stuff along with newer stuff as I go. I have started an A-B-C series... and I do random doodles... and I'm working on a gigantic project on the side and it's going to be awesome eventually but I don't want to say what it is until I have more of it finished. I think it's a completely original take on another unrelated concept so I'm going to keep it a secret for a while.

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